Radon Mitigation System Cost: What to Expect
By testing your home for radon and installing the appropriate radon mitigation equipment, you are ensuring that your family stays safe and healthy while avoiding the serious consequences of radon poisoning. However, if this is your first time installing a radon mitigation system, you are likely wondering: “What is the cost of a radon mitigation system?” We’re here to help you understand the total cost so that when you contract someone for radon mitigation installation you’ll know what to expect to pay for their services – and whether you’re getting a
fair price or not.
What is the Overall Radon Mitigation System Cost?
According to the National Radon Program Services of Kansas State University, the cost of a mitigation system usually ranges from $895 to $1500, with the average sitting at about $1200. However, some companies estimate that mitigation systems can cost $1600, or even more if the placement options are limited and custom work is necessary. Many companies also charge an extra fee ($100 or so) for a finished (a pipe that runs through a finished basement), or a garage exit. Fan upgrades can also cost the homeowner additional money ($100-$300)
It’s important to note that this does not include the initial testing fee which can range
from $25.00 for a charcoal test kit up to $200 (or more) for a 48 hour continuous
monitor test performed by an inspector. The charcoal testing kits sold at a local
hardware stores start around $25, but then you must also pay around $40 to the lab to
receive your results. This is why we offer FREE radon test kits, including the lab work,
for all Coloradans! Radon testing should be accessible to all homeowners!
So what is the cost of a radon mitigation system? With the above figures in mind, you
can expect to pay anywhere from $1000 to $2100 for initial radon testing and radon
mitigation system installation combined.
However, at American Radon our standard sub-slab radon mitigation is $895.00
which is usually at least $100 less than our competition. And our price always
includes the post mitigation test.
Testing fee: $25 - $300
Radon mitigation system cost: $895 - $1600
Additional fee for a finished exit: $100
Follow-up radon testing: Free - $300
Total Costs: $1000 - $2100
What about Recurring Radon Mitigation System Costs?
The Fan. The main part on your radon mitigation system that is apt to go out is the fan. While many fans come with a warranty, most only extend to a maximum of five years. The fans have a life expectancy of 10-15 years, so once the warranty is up a new fan (with a new 5 year warranty) costs $350 which includes the installation.
Radon Testing. It is highly recommended that you test your home for radon every
year, or at least every other year whether you have a radon mitigation system or not.
Most companies charge you a separate fee per test, which costs the same as the initial
testing fee ($25 to $200)
What about Radon Test Costs?
Radon test costs typically range from $25-$200, although you can find some companies (like us) who provide initial radon test kits and post mitigation radon test kits for free. However, you must also remember that a radon test isn’t just a one and done deal - you should also test annually, or at least every other year, in order to ensure that your radon mitigation system is functioning well, or if you haven’t needed a mitigation system in place you’ll want to make sure your levels have not increased over time.
How difficult is it to use a radon test kit?
Not difficult at all! Instructions are included with your radon test kit package or you
can watch a short video tutorial on AirChek’s website. Short term radon test kits require you to leave the test kit exposed for 48 hours up to 7 days (depending on the test). Once the test is
complete, seal up the package and mail it to the independent third-party lab. If your
test is right on the border of that 4.0 pci/l level, it is recommended to do a 90-day long
term test. These tests are available directly through the AirChek website.
What Determines Radon Mitigation Costs?
The cost of radon mitigation equipment can vary depending on your selected radon mitigation company, your home’s construction, and any custom design aspects you
may want to implement to help hide the piping.
Keep in mind that a townhouse or condominium will typically also require HOA approval, which could be another step that slows down the process of getting a radon mitigation system installed.
American Radon: Keeping Your Radon Mitigation System Costs Low
American Radon, LLC as a company was started with the mission to fill the void the market so desperately needed; an honest company who would provide free radon testing and affordable radon mitigation systems to all Coloradans. How are we different? First, our standard sub-slab radon mitigation system cost is $895 out the door. No hidden taxes. No hidden fees. We offer free radon test kits (results included) to all of our customers, meaning you can skip that initial $25 to $300 testing fee. And unless we need to do a core drill, there is no additional fee for a finished exit sub-slab mitigation installation (so knock off another $100). Oh, and did we mention that our starting price is a flat $895? Not only are we charging you less initially, but we don’t have any last minute hidden fees.
Free initial radon testing
15 year warranty on all parts (except fan which has its own 5 year
manufactures’’ guarantee)No hidden taxes or fees
Free follow-up radon testing post installation
No extra charge for a finished exit installation
At American Radon, LLC. we have your best interests in mind at all times. Call us today
to get your free radon test kit and estimate radon mitigation in Denver, radon mitigation in Aurora, or anywhere in Colorado.